Monday, February 15, 2010


I have figured it all out!!

For Lent 2010 (yeah, that's right...say it like it's Vancouver proud!) I will be finding things about me and recognizing how God plays into them, and posting them on this blog. Once a day for all of Lent (so, 40 days when you don't count Sunday) I shall try to be posting some sort of thing about myself that is positive and is overcoming my obsession with my flaws which is getting in the way of the whole "growing" thing.

It's breaking 2 window's with 1 stone! (sorry...I don't kill birds!) I'll focus on positives AND connect the dots between me and God.

I'm brilliant! (Sweet! It looks like I've found at least one thing to talk about!)

1 comment:

Jennie said...

But you break windows? gasp. I'm excited to read your thoughts...