Monday, June 7, 2010

While I'm Thinking About It...

1. Online dating is not for me. End of story. I can find roommates online but I can't find dates online. It's just weird. And odd. And I give up easily (although 2 weeks seems like long enough to decide that I don't like it...). So, in summary: the internet is for finding roommates. Not dates.

2. With the exception of children, the people who flinch away from you while walking a dog make me a little mad. They act like not only am I going to let my dog jump all over them, but I am actually going to set the dog on them. Newsflash: my dog has way more interest in *that* clump of dirt than she has in you. Yes, I did just compare you to a clump of dirt. Deal with it.

3. Today was a lovely day. I felt so energized. I blasted the country music and danced in the living room. And cleaned my dogs kennel. And wiped down the kitchen with lysol (a habit I picked up at work...although at work we use Kavi wipes). And watched What Not to Wear. And cleaned out my roommates cat litter boxes because the smell was making me gag everytime I went upstairs and I had to keep my door closed....ick. gag. blech. Then I went and swam for an hour. And walked the dog and played soccer with her in the park. And walked around. Now, I'm going to cheat and buy some instant rice to zap in the microwave to make myself a glory bowl to eat for supper and one to bring to work tomorrow.

4. Tomorrow I work an 8 hour day. And then I am off for a wonderful week which will be spent in Alberta. This might be a contributing factor to my energy and happiness. I'm going HOME!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

I'd Forgotten What It Looked Like...

I went to my blog today and was shocked! I had completely forgotten what it looked like!

Talk about a waste of cyberspace!

I've heard that if you post something at least twice a week people start to follow your blog. But the question is what to write? After all, there can't be that many people who want to hear that I slept in, watched Glee, made breakfast, walked the dog, took the dog to the off leash park, had a 2 hour nap, made homemade mushroom soup and then watched some tv, and then I blogged about

But the 2 hour nap was awesome. I had leather couch wrinkles on my face. That's how awesome it was.

There are currently job postings in the parts of Alberta that I love. Jasper (but there's nowhere to live in Jasper), and in Lac La Biche (not that there is really anything loveable about Lac La Biche...but the lakes and trees all around it make me feel so energized!). They are casual positions that are open to external applicants. I want to badly to apply, and yet I'm afraid that if I decide to apply I'll either not get the job, or get the job and hate it but be stuck with it because there's not exactly an abundance of other jobs to get. I'm also afraid to leave Winnipeg. I just moved into my new place about a month and a half it seems kind of hasty to be planning to bail on it already. I can't go casual because I need a guaranteed income to plan my trip to New Zealand. I get to babysit Briony.

I think I'm so full of excuses that I'm just going to have to accept that like it or not (and the answer is "not"), I'm sticking around in Winnipeg for a while longer.

Maybe I'll be able to save enough money to buy a house in Jasper...