Wednesday, January 28, 2009


It's truly unfortunate that we live in a place and time ruled by FOIPP and PHIA legislation that is based up our desires to keep things to ourselves. This desire to remain hidden from our fellow human beings (I believe) contributes to the wealth of problems the people in our culture face. It causes truly heartbreaking, beautiful, and terrifying stories to remain untold, unshared. The stories I've seen will be told and shared by the people in them, but no one else will see the beauty, or shed tears for the brokenhearted, or reflect on the disturbing.

Today, a wonderful thing happened for a man who truly deserves it, but somewhere else someone who does not deserve it is experiencing great pain.

Today, a sister is going to recieve a gift from her sister that will improve her quality of life, and will serve as a constant reminder of the sister she lost.

Today, every time I walk past a room and picture the man in the bed and his 2 security guards and think of how Christ said that to even be angry with someone is equal to murder...and I try to remember than in this way I am just as guilty as he is...but I still shudder.

Vague details from complex and diverse situations. Bringing tears to my eyes.
It's hard to be a nurse. To be this inside of stories you can't share. Stories you can only hope you remember, and yet know that soon new stories will take the places of these, because while they are huge things in the lives of the ones they belong to, they are fleeting moments in my story. Shaping me, making me into the me that I will be for a little while, but unable to share fully with others to say "This is why I'm who I am, these people created pieces of me."

Share. Share a little of your day. Share a little of who you are, because you are the only one who can.

p.s. Jennie, I have your blog open in another window so that I can listen to your's so wonderful. Like you!

Friday, January 23, 2009


So, since last updating I have: turned 23, moved to Winnipeg, started a real job--or at least gone to a week and a half of orientation for said job--, frozen my butt off in Winnipeg, gone skating at The Forks, made waffles and corn chowder and chocolate chip pancakes and french toast(not all at once, or in that order) with my roommates, watched a million movies, gone to church twice, watched a lot of Grey's Anatomy and Private Practice (this weeks Private Practice ended with a song by Sigur Ros!!!!!), and watched the season premiere of LOST.

And now I'm going to cut this update short and go to Tim Horton's with some of my roommates. Since they are pressuring me into coming.

Tomorrow I go to my first day on my unit at the hospital. I'm a little nervous about that, but not really thinking about it. Ha! And this morning, staffing called me at 6:30 to see if I would come do a day shift...I didn't answer my phone. I hope this is not going to be a regular occurence, but I'm pretty sure it will be.

I'll perhaps try to find something profound and wise to say in a little bit. Like later. Or next month.