Saturday, February 20, 2010

Once Upon A Time...

The other day at work, one of the funniest things happened, but I can't really explain it because of confidentiality...and it's just one of those things where you *might* be able to figure out who I was talking about.

I know, lame right?

The reason I bring it up though, is because it reminded me that once upon a time I wanted to a journalist, or a writer of some sort.

I'm not even sure how I became a nurse because I wanted to be a writer so badly!

Do you think it's too late?

Thursday, February 18, 2010


I made really good pizza today.


Just wanted to put that out there.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Gotta Be a Better Way

For the most part I would say that Christian's (or the majority of them) manage to keep people from staring at us and wondering just what we think we're doing. Ash Wednesday though, is just one of those days where we do things that may make other people give us weird looks. On Ash Wednesday we draw crosses on our foreheads with ashes.

Talk about weird looks. I had one on my head and I STILL had to give the other's weird looks because of theirs! HA ha. I mean, I understand the solemn kind of symbolism behind the whole thing, but I hope I'm still allowed to see the humour in it.

As for the ash crosses...there needs to be a ceremony for removing them. How on earth do you wash off this cross on your forehead that you got in this solemn service?? Can you just wash it off? Or should you leave it til it kind of rubs off on its own? Seriously, this is something that they don't consider before they draw it on your head. Booo!!!

I just wiped mine off with a piece of toilet paper. I hope that's ok.

Well, Lent has started to I guess I had better go and start replacing my bad thoughts with some good ones...

Monday, February 15, 2010


I have figured it all out!!

For Lent 2010 (yeah, that's right...say it like it's Vancouver proud!) I will be finding things about me and recognizing how God plays into them, and posting them on this blog. Once a day for all of Lent (so, 40 days when you don't count Sunday) I shall try to be posting some sort of thing about myself that is positive and is overcoming my obsession with my flaws which is getting in the way of the whole "growing" thing.

It's breaking 2 window's with 1 stone! (sorry...I don't kill birds!) I'll focus on positives AND connect the dots between me and God.

I'm brilliant! (Sweet! It looks like I've found at least one thing to talk about!)

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

In The Way

The last time I made it to church (at all or even just in time to hear a whole sermon) we were asked to reflect on our lives and see just what was standing between us and growing in our faith. This was a terrible question to ask, because the #1 thing in my life that I focus on way more than God is kind of embarassing. Yet, I know it consumes me, and maybe, just maybe, admitting it is gonna help me redo my priorities.

The thing that consumes me and distracts me from not only growing in faith, but in even enjoying life as I know I should, is my constant NEVER CEASING obsession with how much I need to lose weight, and my constant NEVER CEASING self loathing at continually allowing myself to fail.

What ridiculous and shallow things to let get in the way of life. Yet all I can do is think about the things I should do to lose weight.

As Lent is approaching I wonder what my offering should be. I feel like I should somehow give up this obsession, I just don't know what that would look like. I don't know how! Yet, there has to be a way to be healthy without obsessing about, cuz there are healthy people out there, and I don't *think* that they obsess about it. Not like I do anyways. Perhaps I should start looking at the positives. It's a step right?