Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Jennie, This is for you...

The wind is brutal today. It is rattling my bedroom window. Brr.

Our landlord and his dad are going to finish the back stairs today and then they aren't doin anymore renovations until summer. That is good good, like GREAT news.

I have 2 more shifts of orientation left to do (but both are nights...). The six weeks have gone really fast, and I know I'm pretty much as ready as I'll ever be to be by myself, but at the same time, I'm pretty sure I'm not ready at all!! But, I just have to get through every day without killing someone. I hope it works!!

Not a lot is actually new. I went home. Rushed around and saw a lot of people, but didn't exactly feel like I got to see a lot of people. I saw them, but only 1 or 2 of them I really feel like I SAW them. Which was refreshing. It was good. Then there were the people I didn't even get to see at all...like...well...yeah. It's a long list, and there's one person in particular who's on top of that list. Sigh.

Let's see. What else shall I say? When I work nights I tend to feel rather delusional. Or hazy. Or out of it. One night I even went down to Timmy's and got a large 2/3 hot-chocolate-1/3 coffee and it made me shaky and jittery all night. So...I won't be doing that again! I'll stick to my water (with a touch of juice so it doesn't taste like the nasty city water it is) and my tea. I love my tea.

Ooh. Speaking of water! I got a new water bottle. It came in the mail. I picked it as my prize from the CIBC Walk/Run for the Cure. I named it...well I'm still trying to pick an appropriate name for it. I want something ridiculously snooty sounding as it is a symbol of my conformity (it's a stainless steel water bottle...). I'm thinking Miss Amelia Ermengarde Stanton IV...or Reginald William Stanton Jr ...or something else. I dunno. It could just be my water-bottle-that-is-a-symbol-of-my-conformity.

Hmm...some highlights from today...
--chatting up micro with Larisa
--finding out our landlord and his dad won't be renovating for a while!!!
--learning how to make a stalker page with Jennie...now I know who's watching me! (well no...I
don't...i just know if people actually look at my blog...)
--watching Garden State with Chrissy
--then watching a few What I Like About You episodes with Renee and Chrissy
--catching up with Kim a little bit...if you read this Kim....I feel sad that I barely talk to you
--getting an e-mail from a boy who makes me smile
--texting Jess back and forth all day...I know you don't read this...but Jess, you're the

Lowlights from today....
--having to stay up late so I can sleep tomorrow
--not seeing Jen at all...oh Jen...where are you??
--not having a puppy yet...oh when, oh when?

On another note, my room is a disaster, but I have no energy to clean it. None. In fact, I told my aunt and uncle and cousin I'd come visit them in Swan River this weekend but now I am so tired, and feel like I've been busy for so long (working full time, then the busy week home, then working 3 nights, then having 2 days "off" while knowing I have to go back to nights, and then working 2 nights and then having a nap and going on a 7 hour trip. I'm sure it will be nice once I get there, and people are my priority...but I keep thinking I need to clean my room, make muffins (by the way Jennie, I couldn't find my recipe for my muffins and my mom wasn't home to give it to me, and I watched Garden State with Chrissy instead of making you muffins...I hope you can forgice me), do my laundry, study some nursing stuff, and like a million trillion other things I am sure I could come up with if I wanted to. BLah. I need a break. I'm burning out and I've only been a nurse for like 7 weeks!! Apparently phase 2 of being a new grad nurse involves feeling completely exhausted but more confident...I want to feel more confident...but I can't imagine feeling anymore exhausted than I do right now. Sigh. Sigh.


This is beginning to feel like it is out of control long. So I think I'm going to say g'night. G'bye.


Lindsay said...

Hi Katie! I wanted to leave you a comment so you'd know I'm not a stalker...I'm Jennie's sister and I taught her how to make a stalker page :) Hopefully I will get to meet you when I move back to Winnipeg!
From Lindsay

Jennie said...

I think Reginald would be an excellent snooty name for a water bottle.

About the muffins...I suppose I can forgive you this time. Just remember who wears the pants in THIS house.

P.S. Who the heck is Lindsay? Some kind of weird stalker who believes we are related I guess. Don't believe anything she says.

Larisa Kardash said...

hey...I love stalkers. I tend to attract them wherever I go...how sad.

You have such fun blogs Katie...the best part about that one was that you mentioned me in it!!! woop woop! I don't like microbio. Not at all. uggggg.

I LOVE living with you. You are da BOMB.

LOVE, ME :) (p.s.I am not a stalker, that Lindsay person definately is, and possibly Jennie too..hmm...you'd better watch out!)

Lindsay said...

If I am a stalker, then you girls better watch out...I know where you live!

Unknown said...

Ok ok. Since this is my blog I think I should put my 2 cents in here (before all this stalker-calling gets out of control and someone loses an eye!)

Lindsay, it's most lovely to meet you (and I know you're not the stalker...I live with Larisa and Jennie...so I know they are the stalkers who want to keep me all to themselves!)

Have a lovely day all!