Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Why Sleep Deprivation is Not Really Good for a Person

Was working lots and lots with only single days off at a time, then packing, and moving, and not actually moving my stuff, and 3 night shifts later I don't know how I made it through. I know I really really drew on a couple of people, borrowing their energy and perspective to help me survive. Thank you. I doubt that many of them read this, but its a thank you that shall float out into the world, find them, and just bring them a random thought that will make them smile.

I have a new (and super fantastic) job. I shall be hanging out with a super sweet little girl named Briony once a week. She's 10 months old, and loves to dance and giggle. I am so excited that I get to hang out and be a little part of her life!

Today I picked up a book that I ordered. The Cat's Pajama's by Ray Bradbury. I decided to read some of his stories, but not 100...because I don't want to read that much of his writing. I enjoyed the first story I read. "Chrysalis" (Not the famous one, a different one). It was thought provoking. I shall have to think about it some more.

Anway, I'm seriously difting. My mind is wandering and is kind of broken. I have been told that public forums are not appropriate places to vent, and I think this is public...although, I don't know who actually read this...but I'm going to find a happy distraction. Perhaps some Firefly. Or, it sounds like someone else (other than the engaged couple cuddled on the couch) is home. Or, Dre said she might think of something for us to do (we're neighbors now...temporarily anyway).

Oh. I know! I'm supposed to call my Aunt and Uncle. Perhaps that is what I shall do. :)

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