Now that it is September, the sun has come out to shine and bring us some crazy intense heat. It seems a little strange to be walking down the street with the leaves crunching under your feet and the heat beating down on you...well...I suppose with the humidity it just beats all around.
Not much has been going on. Since I last actually wrote a blog that was not about juice, I've been home. To Alberta. I wish, sometimes, that I had never left, and yet I know that it is me and not the place I am at that is in need of change. I need to freshen up my perspective. See the sunshine. It's hard to do though, when everything is up in the air. I still need a place to live. People, apparently, love me, and would love to live with me. But none of them can stand my dog. Which is very unfortunate indeed. She's not really that bad of a dog...I think. It's become a challenge to not kind of resent the fact that I have a dog. I absolutely love my dog, and while she was away I missed her something fierce. Plus, I also feel like it I bail on this, then I'm going to bail on any other committment I make in the near or far future. And that would just make me a lame lame person. So, I shall continue to stalk kijiji. I shall continue to talk to strangers. And *hope* that maybe, one of them will give us a place to live.
Speaking of bailing out on things...I have just now bailed out on 2 things! Yay for me. The first was a self-challange to buy this book of 100 Ray Bradbury short stories and read them and reflect and become a little more cultured. Yeah. Like I can read Ray Bradbury. I remember 2 stories of his that I read in highschool. One was about a little girl who had been born on earth, ad remembered the sun, and her family moved to Venus. There it always rained, and they saw the sun like 1 day every *a lot of years...don't remember how many*. For all the children she went to school with this would be the first time they would see the sun, and she was looking forward to seeing the sun again, because she missed the light. The other children resented her for remembering the sun, and she was a kind of outcast because of it. While the children were in the classroom waiting, the teacher was out of the room, and the kids locked the little girl in the closet as a joke, threatening to leave her in there while the sun was shining. Then the sun came out, the teacher came to take the class out, and they ran out. Forgetting, until the end of the sunshine that they had left the little girl locked in the closet. And she missed the sun. That story still makes me want to cry. Such a sad story. The other Ray Bradbury story I remember had something to do the entire human population being dead, and the automated house stuff continued to perform its duties. So, as you can see, the pursuit of 100 Ray Bradbury stories may make me very depressed/dark/sad/start-wearing-black-scrubs-and-scaring-all-my-patients.
The other thing I may have bailed on is doing a triathalon with Dre. I was all for it, then I sat on the floor in Chapters and read about the training. And that was where my training ended. I have not got enough time for all that. Ha ha. So we'll see. Perhaps, I will be able to justify, and what-not and then do a triathalon...or drown in the 1st lap.
It turns out that Anything is we'll see.
Til next time, enjoy the sun. Or whatever weather you happen to be having.
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