Friday, October 10, 2008

the nurse hidden in me

Somewhere inside this tired reflection of me a nurse is hidden.
I don't know how she got there and I don't know what she's going to do.
And I don't know why she's hiding.
She's obvioulsly not always hidden or I'd not know she was there (and I'd have for sure never made it to my last year of nursing school).
It's a miracle actually that she sticks around despite my lack of confidence, skills, time management, and any general clue about what's going on.
Ha ha ha.
I love it though. It's a bunch of semi-crazy really old people but they do just worm their ways into your heart.
Even if you really have no idea what you really ought to be doing.
And now I'm sitting on the floor waiting for a business meeting to end so I can go listen to stories.
3 more minutes I think.
I really really hope.
I'm about to go to my first TellAround! But I'm going only to listen.

1 comment:

Shauna Bennett said...

I could NEVER be a nurse...