Sunday, September 14, 2008

That Did Not Just Happen...

Today at work I took the garbage out. Like normal.
I went out the door and Lisa (a girl who works in the hotel that our office is attached to) tells me to be careful because someone is back there. So she sort of follows me so that I'm not alone in a dark alley by the dumpster.

Now, I thought that by someone back there she meant that someone was lurking by the dumbster in the little fence thing around it...however that was not the case.

I tossed my small bags into the dumpster and I hear and grunt.

I threw garbage on a man in a dumpster.
I just ran back into the building. And in shock all I could really do was laugh at the absurdity of it.
It was awful. How does that happen? Who honestly throws garbage into a dumpster and it hits someone?

And the thing is it's so hard to have compassion where I work. We are harrassed constantly by people who try to scam us and our passengers and we KNOW that they are not being honest. We KNOW that they are buying drugs. Just yesterday one of our passengers comes back into the office from the bathroom wide-eyed-and-terrified because she walked into the women's bathroom and there was a guy and girl shooting up in the bathroom. Then later that night when we were closing and my coworker had to go catch the train so she could get home before 12:30 was walking and two men were walking and then split up and one slowed down so they could be one in front of her and one behind her. Luckily she was close enough to one of our Ft. McMurray passengers and she asked him quickly to walk with her a ways as soon as she noticed what they were doing. She then immediately called me to warn me and the young girl who was waiting for her ride to run inside the hotel lobby. So we quickly booked it around the corner and you could feel these 2 guys getting closer and closer.

I have no idea who was in the dumpster tonight. And it makes me sick now to think of it.
And that is legitimate. But I've been thinking about my initial response and I think it is just as legitimate. I mean really...what kind of exposure have I had to the world? I'm more than willing to admit that I am quite naive...and I acknowledge that laughing is not the best response and I wasn't laughing at the fact that the guy was in the dumpster or that he got hit by garbage but just at the kind of surrealness of the whole situation.

Or maybe I'm going to too great of lengths to figure out and excuse my laughter. But it wasn't funny laughter it was "that did not just happen" laughter. Or maybe I'm just a terrible person.